Home » Default » Logstash - Suricata DNS and fast.log

input {
    file {
        path => [ "/mnt/logs/ids/dns.log" ]
        sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
        start_position => "beginning" #Поменять на end#
        tags => ["dns"]
    file {
        path => [ "/mnt/logs/ids/fast.log" ]
        sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
        start_position => "beginning" #Поменять на end#
        tags => ["ids"]
filter {
    if "dns" in [tags] {
        if "Query" in [message] and "AAAA" not in [message] {
            grok {
                match => {
                    "message" => "%{GREEDYDATA:timestamp}  ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{WORD:dns.message.type} %{WORD} %{WORD} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{HOSTNAME:dns.request} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{WORD:dns.record.type} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{IP:dns.client.ip}:%{NUMBER:dns.client.port} %{GREEDYDATA} %{IP:dns.server.ip}:%{NUMBER:dns.server.port}"
            if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
                drop { }
        if "Query" in [message] and "AAAA" in [message] {
            grok {
                match => {
                    "message" => "%{GREEDYDATA:timestamp}  ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{WORD:dns.message.type} %{WORD} %{WORD} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{DATA:dns.request} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{WORD:dns.record.type} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{IP:dns.client.ip}:%{NUMBER:dns.client.port} %{GREEDYDATA} %{IP:dns.server.ip}:%{NUMBER:dns.server.port}"
            if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
                drop { }
        else if "Response" in [message] and "AAAA" not in [message] and "CNAME" not in [message] {
            grok {
                match => {
                    "message" => "%{GREEDYDATA:timestamp}  ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{WORD:dns.message.type} %{WORD} %{WORD} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{DATA:dns.request} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{WORD:dns.record.type} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{WORD} %{NUMBER:dns.ttl} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{DATA:dns.reply.ip} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{IP:dns.server.ip}:%{NUMBER:dns.server.port} %{GREEDYDATA} %{IP:dns.client.ip}:%{NUMBER:dns.client.port}"
                add_tag => ["ip.v4"]           
            geoip {
                source => "dns.reply.ip"
            if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
                drop { }
        else if "Response" in [message] and "AAAA" in [message] and "CNAME" not in [message] {
            grok {
                match => {
                    "message" => "%{GREEDYDATA:timestamp}  ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{WORD:dns.message.type} %{WORD} %{WORD} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{DATA:dns.request} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{WORD:dns.record.type} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{WORD} %{NUMBER:dns.ttl} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{DATA:dns.reply.ip} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{IP:dns.server.ip}:%{NUMBER:dns.server.port} %{GREEDYDATA} %{IP:dns.client.ip}:%{NUMBER:dns.client.port}"
                add_tag => ["ip.v6"]
            if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
                drop {}
        else if "Response" in [message] and "AAAA" not in [message] and "CNAME" in [message] {
            grok {
                match => {
                    "message" => "%{GREEDYDATA:timestamp}  ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{WORD:dns.message.type} %{WORD} %{WORD} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{HOSTNAME:dns.cname.response} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{WORD:dns.record.type} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{WORD} %{NUMBER:dns.ttl} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{HOSTNAME:dns.name.orig} ?\[?\*?\*?\] %{IP:dns.server.ip}:%{NUMBER:dns.server.port} %{GREEDYDATA} %{IP:dns.client.ip}:%{NUMBER:dns.client.port}"
            if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
                drop {}
        date {
            match => ["timestamp", "MM/dd/yyyy-HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS"]
            timezone => "America/Toronto"
            target => ["@timestamp"]
    else if "ids" in [tags] {
        grok {
            match => {
                "message" => "%{GREEDYDATA:timestamp}   ?\[?\*?\*?\] ?\[%{INT}:%{INT}:%{INT}?\] %{WORD} %{WORD} %{GREEDYDATA:ids.signature}  ?\[?\*?\*?\] ?\[%{WORD}: %{GREEDYDATA:ids.classification}?\] ?\[%{WORD}: %{INT:ids.severity}?\] ?\{%{WORD:ids.protocol}?\} %{IP:ids.source.ip}:%{INT:ids.source.port} -> %{IP:ids.destination.ip}:%{INT:ids.destination.port}"
        if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
            drop {}
    geoip {
        source => "ids.source.ip"
    geoip {
        source => "ids.destination.ip"
    date {
        match => ["timestamp", "MM/dd/yyyy-HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS "]
        timezone => "America/Toronto"
        target => ["@timestamp"]
output {
    elasticsearch {
        hosts => ['']


标签: Suricata Logstash fast.log
