Home » Default » H3C IRF双机热备三层直连,单冗余组冗余口主备组网典型配置举例




如图1-18所示,某公司以Device作为网络边界安全防护设备,连接公司内部网络和Internet。为提高业务稳定性,使用两台Device进行IRF双机热备主备组网,Device A作为主设备,Device B作为备设备。当Device A或其链路发生故障时,由Device B接替Device A继续工作,保证业务不会中断。


图1-18 IRF双机热备三层直连,单冗余组冗余口主备组网图


(1) 配置两台Device组成IRF
配置Device A

<DeviceA> system-view
[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/3
[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] shutdown
[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] quit
[DeviceA] irf-port 1/2
[DeviceA-irf-port1/2] port group interface gigabitethernet 1/0/3
You must perform the following tasks for a successful IRF setup:
Save the configuration after completing IRF configuration.
Execute the "irf-port-configuration active" command to activate the IRF ports.
[DeviceA-irf-port1/2] quit
[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/3
[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] undo shutdown
[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/3] quit
[DeviceA] save
[DeviceA] irf-port-configuration active

为确保Device A与Device B在主设备选举过程中,Device A为主,需要修改Device A成员优先级为2(成员优先级大的优先,缺省情况下,设备的成员优先级均为1)。

[DeviceA] irf member 1 priority 2


[DeviceA] irf-port-configuration active

配置Device B
将Device B的成员编号配置为2,并重启设备使新编号生效。

<DeviceB> system-view
[DeviceB] irf member 1 renumber 2
Renumbering the member ID may result in configuration change or loss. Continue? [Y/N]:y
[DeviceB] quit
<DeviceB> reboot

重新登录到Device B,配置IRF端口2/1,并将它与物理端口GigabitEthernet2/0/3绑定,并保存配置。

<DeviceB> system-view
[DeviceB] interface gigabitethernet 2/0/3
[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet2/0/3] shutdown
[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet2/0/3] quit
[DeviceB] irf-port 2/1
[DeviceB-irf-port2/1] port group interface gigabitethernet 2/0/3
You must perform the following tasks for a successful IRF setup:
Save the configuration after completing IRF configuration.
Execute the "irf-port-configuration active" command to activate the IRF ports.
[DeviceB-irf-port2/1] quit
[DeviceB] interface gigabitethernet 2/0/3
[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet2/0/3] undo shutdown
[DeviceB-GigabitEthernet2/0/3] quit
[DeviceB] save


[DeviceB] irf-port-configuration active

Device A和Device B间将会进行主设备竞选,竞选失败的一方将重启,重启完成后,IRF形成。
(2) 配置Track,监测上、下行接口的状态

<DeviceA> system-view
[DeviceA] track 1 interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[DeviceA-track-1] quit
[DeviceA] track 2 interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[DeviceA-track-2] quit
[DeviceA] track 3 interface gigabitethernet 2/0/1
[DeviceA-track-3] quit
[DeviceA] track 4 interface gigabitethernet 2/0/2
[DeviceA-track-4] quit

(3) 配置以太网冗余接口

[DeviceA] interface reth 11
[DeviceA-Reth11] member interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1 priority 100
[DeviceA-Reth11] member interface gigabitethernet 2/0/1 priority 80
[DeviceA-Reth11] ip address
[DeviceA-Reth11] quit


[DeviceA] interface reth 12
[DeviceA-Reth12] member interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2 priority 100
[DeviceA-Reth12] member interface gigabitethernet 2/0/2 priority 80
[DeviceA-Reth12] ip address
[DeviceA-Reth12] quit

(4) 配置冗余组

[DeviceA] redundancy group a


[DeviceA-redundancy-group-a] member interface reth 11
[DeviceA-redundancy-group-a] member interface reth 12

创建Node 1,Node 1和Device A绑定,为主节点。关联的Track项为1和2。

[DeviceA-redundancy-group-a] node 1
[DeviceA-redundancy-group-a-node1] bind slot 1
[DeviceA-redundancy-group-a-node1] priority 20
[DeviceA-redundancy-group-a-node1] track 1 interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[DeviceA-redundancy-group-a-node1] track 2 interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[DeviceA-redundancy-group-a-node1] quit

创建Node 2,Node 2和Device B绑定,为备节点。关联的Track项为3和4。

[DeviceA-redundancy-group-a] node 2
[DeviceA-redundancy-group-a-node2] bind slot 2
[DeviceA-redundancy-group-a-node2] priority 10
[DeviceA-redundancy-group-a-node2] track 3 interface gigabitethernet 2/0/1
[DeviceA-redundancy-group-a-node2] track 4 interface gigabitethernet 2/0/2
[DeviceA-redundancy-group-a-node2] quit
[DeviceA-redundancy-group-a] quit

(5) 开启会话业务热备份功能

[DeviceA] session synchronization enable

(6) 配置会话工作在主备模式下,缺省工作在主备模式下

[DeviceA] undo session dual-active enable

(7) 配置各接口的IP地址、路由、安全域及域间策略保证网络可达,具体配置过程略
(8) 将以太网冗余接口Reth11加入Untrust安全域;将以太网冗余接口Reth12加入Trust安全域,具体配置过程略。

配置Switch A

Switch A上的相关配置本举例仅列出配置思路,具体配置过程略。
(1) 创建VLAN 11和VLAN 10。
(2) 将接口GigabitEthernet1/0/1和GigabitEthernet1/0/2设置成工作在二层模式,接口链路类型为Access,并将此接口加入VLAN 11。
(3) 将接口GigabitEthernet1/0/3设置成工作在二层模式,接口链路类型为Access,并将此接口加入VLAN 10。
(4) 配置Vlan-interface11的IP地址为51.1.1.1/24,Vlan-interface10的IP地址为2.1.1.1/24。
(5) 配置路由信息,去往内网流量的下一跳IP地址为51.1.1.2,去往Internet流量的下一跳IP地址为2.1.1.2。

配置Switch B

Switch B上的相关配置本举例仅列出配置思路,具体配置过程略。
(1) 创建VLAN 12和VLAN 20。
(2) 将接口GigabitEthernet1/0/1和GigabitEthernet1/0/2设置成工作在二层模式,接口链路类型为Access,并将此接口加入VLAN 12。
(3) 将接口GigabitEthernet1/0/3设置成工作在二层模式,接口链路类型为Access,并将此接口加入VLAN 20。
(4) 配置Vlan-interface12的IP地址为52.1.1.1/24,Vlan-interface20的IP地址为10.1.1.1/24。
(5) 配置路由信息,去往Internet流量的下一跳IP地址为52.1.1.2。




(1) 缺省情况下冗余组的显示信息
显示冗余组信息。可以看到优先级高的Node 1为主节点,Node 1和Node 2下面的成员接口都处于UP状态。

[DeviceA] display redundancy group a Redundancy group a (ID 1): Node
ID Slot Priority Status Track weight 1
Slot1 20 Primary 255 2 Slot2 10
Secondary 255 Preempt delay time remained : 0 min Preempt
delay timer setting : 60 min Remaining hold-down time : 0
sec Hold-down timer setting : 1 sec Manual switchover
request : No Member interfaces:

Reth11                Reth12  Node 1:   Track info:
Track    Status       Reduced weight     Interface
1        Positive     255                GE1/0/1
2        Positive     255                GE1/0/2 Node 2:   Track info:
Track    Status       Reduced weight     Interface
3        Positive       255              GE2/0/1
4        Positive       255              GE2/0/2

(2) 冗余组内主备倒换后的显示信息
手工关闭接口GigabitEthernet1/0/2,显示冗余组信息。可以看到优先级低的Node 2为主节点,Node 2的成员接口转发报文。

[DeviceA] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] shutdown [DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/2]
display redundancy group a Redundancy group a (ID 1): Node ID
Slot Priority Status Track weight 1 Slot1
20 Secondary -255 2 Slot2 10
Primary 255 Preempt delay time remained : 0 min Preempt
delay timer setting : 1 min Remaining hold-down time : 0
sec Hold-down timer setting : 1 sec Manual switchover
request : No Member interfaces:

Reth11                Reth12  Node 1:   Track info:
Track    Status                Reduced weight     Interface
1         Negative             255                GE1/0/1
2         Negative(Faulty)     255                GE1/0/2 Node 2:   Track info:
Track    Status       Reduced weight     Interface
3         Positive       255              GE2/0/1
4         Positive       255              GE2/0/2


标签: H3C IRF 双机热备 主备组网
