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set @str='test' --要搜索的字符串 declare @s varchar(8000) declare tb cursor local for select s='if exists(select 1 from ['+b.name+'] where ['+a.name+'] like ''%'+@str+'%'') print ''所在的表及字段: ['+b.name+'].['+a.name+']''' from syscolumns a join sysobjects b on a.id=b.id

Tags: SqlServer

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Windows 10 瘦身神器, Win10Clean 是国外一个开源小程序,无需安装,下载后直接打开即可,要避免 Windows 10 的开始菜单中出现推广软件或广告信息,保持一个清洁的开始菜单,只需进入 Win1 0Clean 的 Home 选项卡,点击 Disable start menu ads 按钮即可实现广告屏蔽

Tags: Win10Clean Win10 瘦身

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This guide explains how to setup your own PPTP VPN on CentOS 6 by using the pptpd daemon available in the yum repository. Please note that security vulnerabilities have been found in the PPTP protocol and it may be worth evaluating other VPN protocols before utilizing PPTP


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